Monday, April 18, 2011

Revolutionary Way to Shop for Clothes. What About Frames?

I just saw a news story on Deutsche Welle, on the new way to shop for clothes.
Kleider kaufen, ohne lästiges Probieren – das könnte die Zukunft sein. Forscher des Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Instituts in Berlin haben eine digitale Umkleidekabine entwickelt, in der das aufgenommene Videobild des Nutzers auf Wunsch unterschiedlich bekleidet im virtuellen Spiegel erscheint.

Buy clothes, without the hassle of trial and error - this could be the future. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin have developed a digital dressing room, where the captured video image of the customers in different dresses on request will appear in the virtual mirror.
from Video des Tages | Deutsche Welle

It is very interesting development and this kind of product is the way I have been begging framing shops to introduce, so the customers can upload a digital image of the picture they want to frame, and compare the stock frames the shop has to offer, including colored background, so as to better simulate the reality.

Currently, most shops offer corners of frames for customers to compare and select.  Without seeing the frame in its entirety, it is very difficult to make the right judgment. 

In my April 1, 2009 blog, Baby's New Clothes, I praised an online framer Frames By for its effort to give customer some ideas of what the picture with any complete frames would look like. However, it doesn't have the right scale and the frames often appear much thicker than the reality.

I hope some developers will take the cue and revolutionize the way we choose frames for artworks.

Other Related posts on Art · 文化 · Kunst:
- New Presentations of My Yearly Artworks
Unexpected Successes of "Stringed White Dresses - An Installation"
"White Dress" Series Continues - A New Drawing and a New Painting
- 2012 Recapitulation - Video Presentation of Paintings Completed in 2012

- Before and After - A Painting Framed
- Baby's New Clothes

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