Yesterday I had a conversation with a writer regarding our working processes. Such conversation -- almost a follow-up to my post
Literature Inspired Paintings (March 17, 2009) -- helped me to articulate how I work. I said: "Sometimes, I feel I am encapsulated in a soft-walled cocoon, and move little by little to find my way. In darkness, I move up, down, left and right, pushing here, pushing there, trying to find my way out of the shell, desperately struggling for air and light. Through such trial and error, I, if successful, will be able to poke open the resilient membrane, and slowly creep out of the confinement."
These pictures below demonstrate how I have been feeling my way around recently.

"Picture taken 031909"

"Picture taken 031809"
I've posted this painting on March 9, 2009 -
My Work in Progress. Ten days later, it moved into a direction I did not foresee then. The orange branch was suggested by a flower-patterned corridor I dreamed of last night. This serendipitous direction gives me shivers, and delight.
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