Friday, January 1, 2010

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco

On 30th December 2009, I visited the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco for the first time since its reopening.

It was very crowded but one had to appreciate how people were trying to educate children. The building itself has attained iconic status and the living roof was as delightful as the houses for teletubbies.

The "rain forest" was very interesting - people walked along spiral pathway from bottom to top, examining fish, plants, insects, birds at different altitudes.

The aquarium has always been my favorite part. There were so many amazing creatures to see but the most wonderful thing I saw was "Leafy Sea Dragons". Since it was not allowed to photograph them, I'm directing my readers to the the Academy's official website featuring the Leafy Sea Dragon - Phycodurus eques (Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, and Picture 4).

I also enjoyed seeing the skates "flying" in the water.

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