Monday, September 22, 2014

My Favorite Sculptures at Schloßberg, Graz

DSCN8905 _ Lion: Major-Hackher-Denkmal, Bastion of Schloßberg, Graz, 8 October

The hill in the city of Graz, Austria, Schloßberg, boasted many monuments, on the ground of the fortress destroyed by the conquering Napoleon's army, such as the Lion: Major-Hackher-Denkmal, Bastion of Schloßberg (above).

Amongst many memorable sculptures, my favorite one was a large relief, titled Untersteiermark unvergessene Heimat (Lower Styria Unforgotten Home) (Graz 1945), whose poignantly depiction of displayed people by the raging war.  In regardless of political situation, the horrible effect of war on people were just deplorable.

DSCN8931 _ Untersteiermark unvergessene Heimat Graz 1945, Schloßberg, Graz

My second favorite sculpture was titled Furchtlos und Treu - INF.RGT.27 - 1682-1918 (Fearless and faithful).  This stone sculpture of a noble-looking man holding a heavy sword, looking straight forward in the most steadfast fashion. Its effect was enhanced by the fact that it was mounted on a red-brick wall of a fortress, dramatically draped with ivy leaves.  The heroism of the sculpture though had a disturbing taste of the nationalist fervor, much appreciated in totalitarian states, such as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Unions.  Austria was the right place to reflect on ambiguity and contradiction.

DSCN8973 _ Furchtlos und Treu - Fearless and faithful - Inf.RGT.27 - 1682-1918, Schloßberg, Graz

My Favorite Museum Collection Series
>> My Favorite Museum Collection Series 96: My Favorite Altar and Fresco at Barmherzigenkirche, Graz
<< My Favorite Museum Collection Series 94: My Favorite Artworks at Stadtpfarrkirche zum Hl. Blut, Graz

List of My Favorite Artworks in the Museums I've Visited

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