When we visited the Accademia, there was a long line to get in, for its special exhibit of Giotto. However I enjoyed that special exhibit, I will follow my rule that I only cite permanent collections in the museums I've visited, therefore, I would only discuss Giotto later, such as in Santa Croce, where his frescoes shined.
Back to David.

This super-human sized marble statue was the ideal of human body - chiseled face, steady gaze, powerful yet elegant torso, elongated but strong limbs, seemingly at ease yet poised to strike the overwhelming sling shot. He hat it all. He was not a simple warrior but a concentration of all those praise-worthy characteristics one could find in the human race. This is the apex of art making and humanistic study.

After David, it was a testament of its strong virtue, that the painting Profeta Isaia by Fra Bartolommeo could have made yet another powerful impact on me.
I did even know the painter Fra Bartolommeo (or Fra Bartolomeo) but I instantly fell in love with his paintings, for the richness and vibrancy of his colors, and for the weighty grandeur of his figures, like this one in the Accademia - Profeta Isaia (Prophet Isaiah). This prophet was a young man, full of wisdom and grace, and gravitas due to the solidity of the masses formed his body and his pose. His raised right arm was like posing a question and challenge to the viewers, poise yet dynamic. And how his blue, yellow, orange and red complemented and contrasted each other! in blazing hues. A very wonderful portrait.

Profeta Isaia, cm. 168 x 108, Fra Bartolommeo, Galleria dell'Accademia, Firenze
My Favorite Museum Collection Series
>> My Favorite Museum Collection Series 16: My Favorite Paintings at Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
<< My Favorite Museum Collection Series 14: My Favorite Artworks in San Pietro in Vincoli (Saint Peter in Chains), Roma
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