Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oil Painting "Oedipus" Completed

Continuing my abstraction of well-known Greek tragedies, I completed an oil painting "Oedipus".  For this most wrenching story, I incorporated several important elements of his life into this rather subdued rendering of this very dramatic and intense story.

The colors I used were mostly subdued and pale, in order to counterbalance the overwrought and sensational story I was trying to present.  The footprints, the thorns, snow-capped mountain, the crossroads, and the scarfs, framed the round and sad face of Oedipus, whose bleeding eyes and screaming mouth further repeated the round shape of his rather blank face.

I came to the final composition fairly easily, except for the details around the crossroads which at the beginning was too much detailed and was in conflict with the overall style and only after obscuring the definitions of some objects, I managed to a better balance.

Oedipus / 俄狄浦斯 / Ödipus

Matthew Felix Sun's Paintings Completed in 2012 by Matthew Felix Sun photoset