To the thoroughly conditioned modern eyes, the idealized beauty of antiquities of purity, was wildly disrupted by bursts of bright and gaudy colors, if not violated. To be fair, when sculptures were yanked out of their natural settings, pure ones were easily to appreciate than multicolored ones, which might be more in harmony with sumptuous and brilliant settings of the origins.

Reconstruction of a lion, 2012 (c 550BC)

Torso of Hermes 2nd C., Recon. B of the Cuirassed Torso, 2005 (c 470BC), Herakles

Alexander Sarcophagus

Figurine, 2nd C BC, Figurine, 2nd-1st C BC, Figurine of Eros, 3rd C BC, Figurine, 3rd or 2nd C BC

Red-figure volute krater, c 330-320 BC

Funerary lekythos with a young woman, c 375BC - Gods in Color (l) & DSCN0043 _ Grave stele of Poseides and his wife, c 275BC (r)

The exhibition also included a collection of Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian antiquities, illustrating a range of painted colors, which are still visible on some of the artifacts.

Relief from the tomb of Mentuemhat, C 660BC

Relief of a gift bearer, c 490-470BC

Winged genius, 883-859BC

Egypto-Roman painted linen burial shroud (l) & Lion-shaped rhyton (libation vessel), c 1900-1800BC (r)
At the end of the show, samples of intensely colored pigments employed by the ancient people concluded this fascinating exhibition.
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