Saturday, June 3, 2017

Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

Visiting the recently closed exhibition of works by Tomás Saraceno at San Francisco MOMA was a uniquely fun experience. SFMOMA described his work as "visually arresting spaces that challenge viewers’ relationship to the built world. ... In this exhibition, visitors wind their way through and below an array of cloud-like, geometrically complex cities, suspended in the air by tethers connecting the structures to the gallery walls, floor, and ceiling."

Visitors were encouraged to discover our inner child, while wandering around the maze. Quite often, viewers became under a trance while contemplating the intricately constructed and mesmerizing web of wires, mirrors, and balloons. Observing the reactions from other visitors were also fascinating.

IMG_2455 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

IMG_2456 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

DSCN8976 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

IMG_2454 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

DSCN8974 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA IMG_2450 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

Besides the main installation, the exhibition also included several very interested small pieces, which complemented the exhibition, and our understanding and appreciation of the artist, particularly "drawings" and "sculptures" incorporating spider silk.

DSCN8972 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

DSCN8979 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

DSCN8973 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA IMG_2453 - Tomás Saraceno at SFMOMA

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